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System supplied in Pendrive installation containing all videos classes and protection of use in the same PendriveLock. Available for AutoCADs: 2010 to 2022, BricsCAD: 2017 to 2021, ZwCAD: 2017 to 2021 and GstarCAD: 2017 to 2021. 

For registration in the name of an individual (CPF) the program can be installed and used in up to 3 (three) devices for their own use and technical support, the Pendrive-Lock being used only to enable the program and then removed from the computer (without counter of facilities).


For registration in the name of a legal entity (CNPJ) the program must be installed only on a device for use by anyone in the company and the support as well. If it is installed on more than one device, it is necessary to purchase more than one license (PendriveLock), and it must be kept on the computer for use.


Unlimited support via email, one month by phone and remote access via TeamViewer when needed, for users of the latest version.


Performs the Descriptive Memorandum, Analytical Calculation and inserts stamp, all in accordance with Law 10.267 3a. edition.


Creates the Descriptive Memorandum for Subdivisions.


Performs the Descriptive Memorandum, Analytical Calculation and inserts stamp

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